The Power of Prenatal Massage
Massage during pregnancy can have powerful positive impacts on your well being. It can be incorporated into your regular prenatal care to relieve pain, reduce stress, and even manage hormones. Our spa offers prenatal massage in Breckenridge CO from professional and licensed massage therapists.
Improved Labor and Delivery Outcomes
One of the most significant results of prenatal massage is improved labor and delivery outcomes, as well as improved newborn health. The American Pregnancy Association claims that Swedish Massage is one type of massage that can have a positive impact on birth outcomes.
Changed Hormones
It is possible that these outcomes are improved because of changed hormone levels. Parents Magazine cites studies that found prenatal massage reduced cortisol, a stress hormone, and increased serotonin and dopamine, two mood boosting hormones. Pregnancy can be a time riddled with stress and anxiety as your life changes to accommodate a new family member. Anxiety over labor and delivery can also take its toll on your body. Massage can help relieve some of this stress and anxiety so that you can enjoy your pregnancy.
Relieve Pain
In addition to emotional stress, your body also feels physical stress, especially as the pregnancy progresses. Many women often feel pain in their back, legs, and feet. Late in pregnancy, the sciatic nerve can be aggravated causing severe pain. Prenatal massage can help relax and loosen muscles that are working overtime and provide some relief to the everyday pain many pregnant women experience.
Reduce Swelling
Prenatal massage can also help reduce swelling. Swollen feet and ankles to varying degrees are a common pregnancy experience. Some women may even have swollen hands or fingers. Prenatal massage increases blood flow and prompts the lymphatic system to action. This increased movement of fluids can help reduce or eliminate uncomfortable swelling.
What to Expect
You should expect to have a prenatal massage positioned on your side with comfortable supports. You may also choose to include essential oils that are safe for pregnancy and can help you feel calm and relaxed. The technique most often used for prenatal massage is Swedish Massage, with special attention applied to areas of concern.
Talk to Your Doctor
Prenatal massage is generally regarded as safe and beneficial for pregnant mothers. However, if you have a high risk pregnancy you should talk with your prenatal care specialist about whether or not you should seek out prenatal massage.
Pamper Yourself
Pamper yourself and experience less stress, less pain, and more enjoyment throughout your pregnancy. Include massage as part of your regular prenatal care. Talk with us at The Spa at Breckenridge to see how our trained professionals can meet your pregnancy massage needs.