How to Stay Calm Before Your Wedding

Your wedding can be one of the most stressful or one of the most beautiful days you will ever experience. How you handle the days leading up to your wedding and what you do to manage stress and anxiety can have a major impact on how you enjoy the day. Follow these tips for staying calm before your wedding.
Lists and Lists
A well-planned wedding thrives on lists. Writing everything down will help relieve stress because you will not feel pressured to keep it in your memory. Keep close track of your lists and keep them organized. On the day of the wedding hand off your lists to someone else. Give it to a wedding planner, personal attendant, bridesmaid, or even mom. Just make sure that you are no longer responsible for anything on it on your wedding day. This will leave you free to relax and enjoy the day.
Get a Pre-wedding Massage
Relieve tension with a massage! Wedding planning happens over the course of months and in some cases, years. The tension that results from the stress of planning can easily build up over time. Schedule regular massages so that you can unload all the stress of wedding planning. In the days approaching the wedding schedule a spa date for your bridal party so that you can relax and enjoy your friends. Shedding some tension and anxiety before the wedding day will help you feel calmer as the day approaches.
Exercise and Sleep
It can be easy to forget to do the things that your body needs to stay healthy when you are feeling overwhelmed. It is important that you find time to take care of yourself and get the exercise and sleep you need to stay healthy and well. Not only will exercise and sleep help you feel well, but it will also relieve stress. You will want to be healthy on your wedding day, so take time to take care of yourself.
Take Some Alone Time
Often, in the days approaching a wedding there is a lot of activity with family and friends arriving to visit. All of the time spent with people can become overwhelming. Find moments to escape for a few minutes of alone time. Recharge your people battery so that you don’t feel frazzled at your wedding. Go for a quiet walk, get a cup of coffee, or just hide away and take a nap. Evaluate how you are feeling and know when you need to get away for a few minutes by yourself.
Self Care
It is possible to stay calm and enjoy your wedding. You can savor all of the beautiful details, enjoy all of your guests, and most importantly appreciate your spouse if you feel calm and relaxed. In the midst of all the wedding busyness, take time for much needed self care.