There are many different styles and types of massage. Two of the most common methods of massage are Swedish massage and deep tissue massage. Before you meet with your massage therapist, it is helpful to know difference between the two. When you have a good understanding of both you can explain exactly what type of massage you want and what your goals are for your massage.
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage is the foundation for other types of massage and one of the most commonly requested forms of massage. It incorporates five strokes: effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement, and vibration. These strokes are designed to stimulate circulation, ease surface level tension, and ultimately, relax and relieve stress.
Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue massage builds on Swedish massage employing many of its basic strokes, but applying more pressure. Deep tissue massage works into deeper layers of muscle and fascia to break up tight knots. This type of massage is often used to address chronic pain and relieve deep layers of tension.
Whereas Swedish massage is typically performed with the hands and fingertips, deep tissue massage also employs elbows and forearms to reach deep layers of muscle tissue.
Which Massage Is Right For You?
Talk with your massage therapist about what may be the right style of massage for you. Both Swedish and deep tissue massage have significant benefits, but one may more appropriately address your needs.
Seek out Swedish massage when you are feeling stressed or tense. The gentler, more soothing strokes of this popular massage will be just what you need to relax and let go of your anxiety. Choose deep tissue if you have been suffering from chronic lower back or neck and shoulder pain.
Stay Comfortable
Neither massage should cause pain. Don’t be afraid to tell your therapist if the pressure is too intense or something is making you uncomfortable. Even if the room is too hot or too cold, adjustments can be made so that you are comfortable and relaxed.
Take Care of Your Body
Stop into The Spa at Breckenridge and talk with a massage therapist to see what kind of massage is right for you. We have a diverse menu of that incorporates various methods of massage to treat everything from stress to sore muscles. Consider including massage in your self-care routine. Contact us today to discuss which massage is best for your needs.
“Understanding Different Types of Massage” dreamclinic
“New To Massage:FAQ” WebMD